"History of Vocational Agriculture in Nebraska" by M. G. McCreight

Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Date of this Version


Document Type



Copyright 1973, M. G. McCreight


The purpose of this publication is to present a history of Agricultural Education at the secondary school level in Nebraska. Attention is called to efforts of the State of Nebraska to implement instruction at the secondary level prior to the beginning of and during the early years of the twentieth century. These efforts laid the foundation for the State to be readily acceptable to vocational agriculture programs made possible by the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act by the Congress of the United States in 1917.The author has been a part of the Vocational Agricultural Program in Nebraska since 1938. He personally knew some of the teachers of vocational agriculture who graduated as early as 1922 and 1923. The writer attended Young Farmer and Adult Farmer classes before entering the field of Agricultural Education. He has attended all NVAA Conferences beginning in 1938 except one. It has been a rare privilege to have worked with so many outstanding men in the field of Agricultural Education at the secondary level.
