Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


First Advisor

Dirac Twidwell

Second Advisor

Craig Allen

Date of this Version


Document Type



Ludwig, A.K., D.R. Uden, and D. Twidwell. Extreme Fire as a Management Tool to Combat Regime Shifts in the Range of the Endangered American Burying Beetle. Poster session: UNL Spring Research Days. Spring 2020. Lincoln, NE.


Copyright 2020 by the authors


This study is focused on the population of federally-endangered American burying beetles in south-central Nebraska. It is focused on changes in land cover over time and at several levels of spatial scale, and how management efforts are impacting both the beetle and a changing landscape. Our findings are applicable to a large portion of the Great Plains, which is undergoing the same shift from grassland to woodland, and to areas where the beetle is still found.
