Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


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Agrosyst Geosci Environ. 2023;6:e20425.


McDonald, S. T., Sarangi, D., Rees, J. M., & Jhala, A. J. (2023). A follow-up survey to assess stakeholders’ perspectives on weed management challenges and current practices in Nebraska, USA. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 6, e20425.


Stakeholders across the state of Nebraska, USA, were surveyed in 2019–2020 to assess problem weeds and weed management practices in agronomic crops. A total of 420 complete responses were obtained across four Nebraska districts (Northeast, Panhandle, Southeast, and West Central). Accumulated across the state, 65.5% of farmed or scouted crop ground in Nebraska was under no-till production, with the major crops being corn and soybean representing 39.3% and 30.7% of agronomic crop production area, respectively. Palmer amaranth, horseweed, waterhemp, kochia, and giant ragweed were ranked the most problematic weeds. In a 2014–2015 survey, Palmer amaranth was the sixth most problematic weed. The most used preplant herbicides were 2,4-D, glyphosate, and dicamba in the 2019–2020 survey. Atrazine applied alone or in mixture with acetochlor, bicyclopyrone, clopyralid, mesotrione, or S-metolachlor were the most applied pre-emergence (PRE) herbicides in corn, whereas the most applied PRE herbicides in soybean were metribuzin/sulfentrazone, flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone, and chloransulam-methyl/sulfentrazone. Like the previous survey, glyphosate was the most frequent choice of survey respondents as a post-emergence (POST) herbicide in glyphosate-resistant corn and soybean, while 2,4-D was the most applied POST herbicide in grain sorghum and wheat. Most of the respondents (77%) were aware of the new multiple herbicide-resistant crops, and 86% listed physical drift and volatility of dicamba/2,4-D as a primary concern. Twenty-three percent of survey respondents identified integrated pest management as a primary research and extension priority for profitable agronomic crop production in Nebraska
