Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
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The topic, Germ Plasm Manipulations of the Future, could cover the entire field of genetics. This would be a very difficult assignment and, were I willing to attempt it, one that might not best serve the specific purpose of this symposium. I shall take a much more restrictive view and consider only certain phases of genetics which, in my opinion, will become of increasing importance in crop improvement.
In the period since 1900 genetics has achieved close and reciprocally productive relations with several fields of science. A partial listing of these would include genetics and cytology to yield cytogenetics; genetics and statistics to yield quantitative and population genetics; and genetics and biochemistry to yield biochemical genetics. These fields have already contributed greatly to agricultural improvements .and their usefulness will undoubtedly increase.
Published in Physiological Aspects of Crop Yield: Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the University of Nebraska, the American Society of Agronomy, and the Crop Science Society of America, and held at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., January 20-24, 1969. Edited by Jerry D. Eastin, F. A. Haskins, C. Y. Sullivan, C. H. M. Van Bavel, and Richard C. Dinauer (Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy & Crop Science Society of America, 1969). Copyright © 1969 American Society of Agronomy & Crop Science Society of America. Used by permission.