Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



Genetics 2 (1917), pp 1-35.


Copyright 1917 R. A. Emerson.


Two years ago there were presented some results of a study of the inheritance of self pattern in the pericarp of maize seeds, occurring as a sporophytic2 variation in variegated ears (EMERSON1 914). Further results, in entire accord with those previously reported, have now been obtained. In addition, data bearing upon new phases of the problem are also available.

The chief results reported in the earlier paper were the following: ( I ) The more nearly self-colored the pericarp of any seed of a variegated ear, the more likely is the progeny of that seed to produce a self-colored ear and the less likely to produce a variegated or colorless one. ( 2 ) Self-colored ears so produced behave as if they were F1 hybrids between self-colored and variegated or between self-colored and colorless races, depending upon whether the variegated parent ear was homozygous or heterozygous for pericarp color and upon whether it had been self- or cross-pollinated. (3) Self-colored ears also occur occasionally with the normal variegated ears in F1 of a cross produced by pollinating a colorless race with pollen from a variegated race; and these F1 red ears always behave in later generations as if they were hybrids between self-colored and colorless races.
