American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association

Date of this Version

December 2006


Published in Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association, 42:3-4 (2006), pp. 3. Copyright © 2006 National Center for State Courts. Used by permission. Online at


Living in Northeastern Ohio, we are constantly promoting this part of the state as an area virtually free of natural disasters. Oh sure, we have our lake-effect snow, which we have learned to treat as more of an inconvenience and annoyance than a danger. Hurricanes? Those are reserved for the coastal states. Tornadoes? Hello, Kansas! Northeastern Ohio hasn’t experienced one in 35 years. Droughts? We may have an occasional dry spell during the summer but we always have the Great Lakes as a plentiful water source. Mudslides? Never. Forest fires? Doesn’t happen. Earthquakes? Minor blips on the Richter Scale.

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