American Judges Association
Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association
Date of this Version
Document Type
Table of Contents:
The Case of Standing Bear: Establishing Personhood under the Law by Joe Starita
Sovereign Comity: Factors Recognizing Tribal Court Criminal Convictions in State and Federal Courts by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Wisconsin’s Experience in Allocating Jurisdiction between State and Tribal Courts by Beth Ermatinger Hanan and William H. Levit, Jr.
Beyond Minimum Standards: Federal Requirements and State Interpretations of the Indian Child Welfare Act by Kathryn E. Fort
American Indian Law Research for State Courts by Nancy Carol Carter
Assumptions Regarding Indians and Judicial Humility: Thoughts from a Property-Law Lens by Ezra Rosser
From Conflict to Cooperation: State and Tribal Court Relations in the Era of Self-Determination by Aliza G. Organick and Tonya Kowalski
Editor’s Note
President’s Column
The Resource Page
Published in Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association, 45:1/2. Copyright © 2008-2009 National Center for State Courts. Used by permission.