Antarctic Drilling Program (ANDRILL)
Date of this Version
A high-resolution aeromagnetic survey (altitude 125 m asl, spacing 500 m , area 800 km2) was carried out in 1994 offshore of Cape Roberts by the GITARA (German ITalian Aeromagnetic Research in Antarctica) Group. The availability from drilling of whole-core physical properties logs for magnetic susceptibility, P-wave velocity and density/porosity data allows new insights to be inferred from reprocessed and reviewed HRAM aeromagnetic data. Aeromagnetic data have been reprocessed to image with greater detail the structural framework along the western flank of the Victoria Land Basin. New processing includes 2D Werner and 3D Euler deconvolution, the production of maps of the maximum horizontal gradient of pseudo-gravity, and 2D, 3D modelling. Magnetic trends and anomalies are discussed in conjunction with now available drilling results from the CRP, existing bathymetric data and recently published interpretations of a multichannel seismic reflection survey.
Citation: Armadillo, E., F. Ferraccioli, M. Gambetta, F. Talarico, A. Zunino, M. Zangani, and E. Bozzo (2007), A high-resolution aeromagnetic survey over the Cape Roberts Rift Basin: correlations with seismic reflection and magnetic susceptibility log data, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K. Cooper and C. R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstract 076, 5 p.