"Aug City: The Cyber-Spatial Impacts of Augmented Reality on the Field " by Colton Berck

Community and Regional Planning Program


First Advisor

Gordon Sholz

Date of this Version


Document Type



Berck, Colton. (2017). Aug City: The Cyber-Spatial Impacts of Augmented Reality on the Field of Urban Planning.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Community and Regional Planning, Major: Community and Regional Planning, Under the Supervision of Professor Gordon Scholz.. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2017

Copyright (c) 2017 Colton L. Berck


In the summer of 2016 a technology revolution swept the world from an unsuspecting place, a mobile game called Pokémon: Go. Almost immediately upon release, this application reached white-hot growth with a user-base spanning the globe, sparking new methods of interacting with communities. Behind the app, a driving force of the popularity, is the technology known as augmented reality (AR). This innovative medium, which intersects the “real-world” with the “digital-world,” is set to impact many aspects of life. As planning professionals are closely involved with the development and growth of communities, this thesis serves as a tool to determine how AR may be applied to enhance planning efforts. Throughout this thesis, light is shed upon the nature of technology as a component of our society, the role of technology within the planning profession, case studies of augmented reality planning applications, and the concerns to consider with augmented reality. Based on extensive and robust literature review and multiple interviews with a variety of planning professionals, the relationship between urban planning and technology is closely analyzed. The intent of this thesis is to serve a tool for planners and planning-minded individuals of all sorts to understand the capabilities and potential in utilizing augmented reality technology.

Advisor: Gordon Scholz
