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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1937. Department of Agronomy.


Copyright 1937, the author. Used by permission.


Because of the losses caused by this weed and because of the difficulty and the cost in eradicating it, bindweed easily takes front rank as Nebraska’s most serious and dangerous weed. There is growing a demand for united action against the weed, a demand for knowledge of the weed and a demand for knowledge of its control and eradication.

The bindweed work conducted on the lawn areas and fields of the College of Agriculture during the years 1935 and 1936, had a twofold purpose. The aim, primarily, was to destroy the weed. In doing so, only more or less tried and approved methods were used.

The second aim, while not as immediate and direct in importance was, nevertheless, fundamental. The object was to scrutinize and analyze the methods themselves. In other words, did the results justify the means?

Advisor: F. D. Keim
