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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1954. Department of Entomology.


Copyright 1954, the author. Used by permission.


In recent years increased attention has been paid to the relation between insects and their physical environment. Aside from the researches of a few investigators on a small number of forms, we have little detailed knowledge of hygroreception in insects. Workers are beginning to realize that a knowledge of how an insect detects water, for example, is just as important in the general study of life phenomena as a knowledge of how the insect develops, or how it is constructed.

There is also little uniformity in that the type of receptor used for water detection in one species of insect may not occur on another species or act in the same capacity. From this it would appear that before any generalizations can be made, the location and structure of hygroreceptors must be determined on a great many new species.

For this purpose the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), was found particularly suitable (1) to determine the site and structure of hygroreceptors and (2) to observe the behavior of an insect when various portions of the antennae, mouthparts, tarsi, and/or their combinations were inactivated. It was hoped that through these studies there might be added some additional information on hygroreception in insects.

Advisor: Harold J. Ball
