Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Thesis (M.S.) —University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1953. Department of Vocational Education.


Copyright 1953, the author. Used by permission.


This study is one of two conducted in the state of Nebraska, resulting from plans made a the Third Annual Central Regional Conference on Research in Agricultural Education held at Monticello, Illinois, in August, 1949, and the fourth annual conference held at Purdue University in August 1950. Farm Veterans’ classes and their instructors in fifty schools in Nebraska were contacted. The data used in this study were collected in March, April, and May, of 1951, by the author and other area supervisors making the survey. Approximately one thousand Nebraska veterans trainees were surveyed. A random sampling procedure was followed in selecting 300 surveys to be used as a basis for studies.

Purpose of this study was

  1. To determine the preferred method of financing adult education in agriculture.

  2. To determine the need for urging government officials to provide tax money for adult education.

  3. To determine willingness of veterans to pay taxes for adult education courses.

  4. To determine whether all farmers should be provided an opportunity to enroll in courses in farming in Nebraska.

  5. To determine the annual fee that veterans would be willing to pay for adult courses in agriculture in Nebraska.

  6. To show any relationships that may exist among groups involved in the study.

  7. To determine the variations in responses among groups involved in the analysis.

Advisor: C.C. Minteer
