Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


First Advisor

Robert Stepp

Date of this Version


Document Type



An Option II Paper Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Education, Department of Educational Administration, Under the Supervision of Dr. Robert Stepp. Lincoln, Nebraska: June 1972.

Copyright (c) 1972 Marie C. Freeburg


The purpose of this study was to discover what readability levels and what print sizes are found in the books which a selection aid classifies as "easy."

This study dealt exclusively with books recommended as "easy" in the sixth edition of The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media, subsequently referred to as Bra-Dart, as it is the best known and most frequently used selection guide for elementary school libraries. There is no other up-to-date selection guide for elementary school library collections whose popularity would compare with Bra-Dart.

Advisor: Robert Stepp
