Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


First Advisor

Leroy T. Laase

Second Advisor

John H. Wiley

Date of this Version


Document Type



An Option II Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the University of Nebraska in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts, Department of Speech. Lincoln, Nebraska: January, 1951

Copyright (c) 1951 Alta H. Reade


The question naturally occurred to the author, who lives in Plattsmouth, whether or not there was a sufficient need for a speech correction program in the Plattsmouth public Schools. Thus with the consent of my advisers, Professor Laase and Dr. John Wiley, and the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. T. I. Friest, the author proceeded with the following investigation.

Advisors: Leroy T. Laase and John H. Wiley
