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Thesis (M.Ed.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1990. Department of Education.


Copyright 1990, the author. Used by permission.

A free public-access version is available at


This research was designed to investigate whether there would be a difference in mean exhaled carbon monoxide levels and mean number of cigarettes smoked for two randomized groups of smokers.Smoking cessation therapy was manipulated in smokers with a chronic, productive cough (COPD) and those who were asymptomatic (normal). Individual therapy was compared to self-help therapy.The main purpose of this study was an attempt to define the smoking cessation therapy that worked best for each of these two groups.With the information gained from this research, it was hoped that educating different types of smokers (those with and without lung disease) about the smoking cessation therapy that may work best for them would lead to the most optimal voluntary behavior changes.Other purposes included describing the relationship between demographic information and smoking cessation outcome.

This smoking cessation program provided the opportunity to look at 1) process (a better definition of smoking cessation therapies in different types of smokers), 2) impact (smoking cessation) and 3) outcome (prevent further progression of COPD and increase quality of life).It also focused on a more tailored smoking cessation program for smokers with individual variances.It was hoped that this study may be used to show that an individually-tailored smoking cessation paradigm can be effective in any clinic-based practice setting for different types of smokers.Practical implications to support this study include the ability to predict successful smoking cessation attempts in patients with lung disease based on their self-efficacy and tobacco dependency.Equally important, an assessment of the most effective behavior modification approach for each of these two groups of smokers was investigated.

Advisor: Gary L. Martin
