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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1948. Department of Educational Psychology and Measurement.
The purpose of this study will be primarily to secure specific kinds of information for use in the schools of Nebraska in regard to the selection of students for vocational commercial courses.Broadly speaking the aim of the study is suggested by such questions as the following:
Are there definite procedures for selecting students for the vocational commercial courses in use in the high schools?
Is there no tangible attempt in this direction but rather incidental practices that are “taken for granted” by the commercial teacher?
Are there some vocational commercial course levels where special selection procedures should be attempted but other course levels where they should not?
Should special selection procedures apply in the case of the newer and highly vocational course, “Office Practice” that is being substituted in the curriculum of some of our Nebraska high schools for the former second year shorthand and second year typing courses?
What constitutes a good guidance program for vocational commercial course work on the high school level in our rural Nebraska students?
This procedure involved the actual preparation of the questionnaire (appendix, figure #2), the mimeographing of the questionnaire and an explanatory letter (appendix, figure #1), and the addressing and mailing of the questionnaire to 207 commercial teachers in the state of Nebraska who were considered representative of the commercial teachers in the state.
Our second line of approach which was somewhat limited in scope because of the small number of students who made up the subject groups, involved the comparison of success of students in specific commercial courses (as shown by teacher’s grades) with other variables that were either available or made available for the use of this study.Only the students that were registered for commercial class work at Hay Springs, Nebraska in the school year 47-48 were included in this part of the study.
Advisor: Warren R. Baller
Copyright 1948, the author. Used by permission.