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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1973. Department of Entomology.


Copyright 1973, the author. Used by permission.


Drifting of bees was noticed while conducting an experiment on longevity. One hundred (100) newly emerging worker bees were marked from each of ten (10) hives on April 14, 1971. It was noted on April 21 that worker bees with colors different from the one used to mark the bees in a specific hive were present. Since drifting (to any great extent) seemed to present more of an immediate problem than longevity, the experiment on drifting was pursued.

The problem of this study was to determine the extent of drifting in the apiary. If drifting was revealed to be extensive, the next objective would be to find a way to minimize the drifting.

Advisor: Roscoe E. Hill
