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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1950. Department of Political Science.


Copyright 1950, the author. Used by permission.


The importance of international conferences in contemporary diplomacy has been a subject of frequent comment.Also significant is the fact that so many conferences are held under the auspices of some permanent organization.No doubt it was inevitable, once international organizations with wide membership and ambitious programs were established, that frequent meetings should be arranged to work out the methods of attaining their objectives.

I am primarily concerned here with the three major conference systems—the Inter-American, that of the League of Nations, and that employed by the United Nations.It has seemed best to exclude any discussion of the periodic meetings of the permanent organs of the League of Nations (the Council and Assembly).While, in a sense, the meetings of these agencies are “conferences,” they are so different in composition and procedure from the ad hoc conferences of the organizations that they would present quite a different type of study.The International Conferences of American States have, however, been included, for although they may seem to correspond in a general way to the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in fact they are little more than ad hoc conferences periodically convened.

The stress of this study has been on organization and procedure; references to the results of conferences have been only incidental. It may be said, however, that out of the three conference systems a large number of draft conventions, recommendations and resolutions have emerged for adoption by the participating states.

Advisor:Norman L. Hill
