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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1968. Department of Agricultural Economics.


Copyright 1968, the author. Used by permission.


In recent years farm numbers have been growing smaller and farm size has been increasing in Southeastern Nebraska. By examination of data in three selected counties in Southeastern Nebraska, we can observe this trend of decreasing farm numbers.

The object of this study was to determine the kind and level of resources and the cropping systems that would give $5,000, $9,000, and $13,000 of farm income in Southeastern Nebraska. The emphasis of the study was directed at wheat and was interpreted in terms of the future direction of wheat production in the area. Only cash crop farm organizations were studied.

Butler, Lancaster, and Jefferson counties were chosen as representative of the area under study. The problems that exist in the area are relatively low returns to operator and family labor, low return on investment, small average farm size, and low farm incomes as compared to the rest of the state.

Advisor: Glen J. Vollmar
