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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1953. Department of Vocational Education.


Copyright 1953, the author. Used by permission.


The purpose of this study is:

  1. To determine which factors affect the number of out-of-school classes in Nebraska.

  2. To determine what changes the State Department of Vocational Education could make in its State Policy which would tend to increase the number of out-of-school classes.

  3. To determine what changes the Vocational Education Department of the University of Nebraska could make which might increase the number of out-of-school classes.

  4. To determine which factors are problems of the local instructor and community.

  5. To give a basis for further study of this problem.

The author prepared a questionnaire which covered 13 factors which might affect the number of out-of-school classes in Nebraska.The questionnaires were sent to the 125 Vocational Agriculture instructors who taught in Nebraska in 1951-52.One hundred of the instructors returned the questionnaires.Other data were secured from the State Department of Vocational Education located in Lincoln, Nebraska.

There are three factors which have little or no effect on whether an out-of-school class is taught.They are: age of the instructor, length of tenure in a particular school, and the number of years an instructor has taught Vocational Agriculture.A comparison of Nebraska graduates with those graduating from other schools shows very little difference in percentage of out-of-school classes taught.Attaining a Master’s Degree seems to result in an increased number of out-of-school classes.A large enrollment of day students has a slight tendency to decrease out-of-school classes.Many Superintendents and School Boards are indifferent toward adult education, but few are opposed. Having these two groups in favor of out-of-school classes tends to increase the number of classes.Lack of facilities is not a problem in out-of-school classes. Holding an out-of-school class adds approximately five hours weekly to the time spent on Vocational Agriculture.Many instructors feel very keenly that they do not have time for an out-of-school class and it appears that adjustments in the use of time will be essential to increase the number of out-of-school classes.Instructors have been lax in surveying their communities concerning the number of young farmers and adults as well as the desire of the farmers for training.About half of the instructors felt that the reimbursement for out-of-school classes was too low.There has been a lack of publicity for out-of-school classes.

Advisor:C. C. Minteer
