Architecture Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-4-2012

Document Type



There is a change in the paradigm of architecture and the approach toward the development of forms. A change that strives to get past the shallow ascetic of Post modernism and its view of architects as the generators of forms whose priority is appearance not performance. This change continues the movement away from the shallow facade of Post modernism toward a priority of performance and accuracy in architecture. By this, I mean an architecture that serves its users better, and attempts to accurately address the issues & needs of the user.

While performance based design is not a new concept, it can be applied in a way never possible before. The age of computation in architecture and its part that it plays in the design process is continually changing. It continues to become less a tool used to draw and more a integral part in the development of design and the direct form of architecture. With the quick implementation of these tools into specific bits and pieces of the design process there is still a gap between its current uses and its potential. This potential is what this project strives to explore. In a world moving away from shallow ascetic and toward performative space, how can architects produce a more accurate & performative architecture? The answer lies in the information we have access to and what it can tell us about our users and our context. For the better we know our users and context, the better we are poised to produce a quality architectural product.

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Architecture Commons
