Architecture Program


First Advisor

Zac Porter

Date of this Version



A design thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Masters of Architecture

Major: Architecture

Under the supervision of Professor Zac Porter

Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2024


Copyright 2024, Jacob Granger. Used by permission


Thesis statement

Architecture and urban spaces are fundamental in shaping both personal and collective memories, serving as the physical manifestations of narratives that define and inform community identity and individual experiences. This thesis asserts that urban design and architectural features extend beyond their utilitarian functions to actively craft and influence these memories. By intertwining intentional design with memory, architecture not only reflects but also molds our understanding of communal identity and historical narratives. This perspective offers a unique exploration of the interplay between tangible structures and the intangible experiences they foster, illustrating how architecture does not merely mirror reality but actively participates in the creation of the stories that anchor our communities and shape our personal identities.

Advisor: Zac Porter
