Architecture Program
Date of this Version
May 2007
Document Type
Conflict and disaster occurs throughout the world every day. The aftershock of these situations gives rise to millions of stateless persons: refugees. Today, the Camp is virtually synonymous with refugee situations. These institutional establishments are intended as a transitory center for sustaining life until the inhabitants can safely Return home. The tangible reality of these situations is that they become permanent fixtures in the landscape. The current system of warehousing refugees in overpopulated wastelands creates a strong dependence for the victim upon humanitarian aid. The camp is seen as unwanted, parasitic, and as a necessary evil.
Utilizing a diagrammatical approach This project Proposes the design of a new system for the Refugee camp. It focuses on the establishment of planned settlement and becomes a field manual for future situations. From the dependent camp to the self sufficient community the project evolves to empower the residents.
M.Arch Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 2007