Architecture Program


Date of this Version

May 2005

Document Type



M. Arch. thesis, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, May 2005


This project, ag80, is meant to revive the heritage and promote awareness of the importance of agriculture within the state. The lack of awareness is especially widespread in urban areas, where people may have never seen or experienced a farm. Targeting the urban areas and their lack of awareness will begin to spread the knowledge and understanding of the importance of agriculture to the state. Two of the largest urban centers in Nebraska, Omaha and Lincoln, are located approximately 60 miles apart on Interstate-80. This serves as an appropriate location to promote and highlight some of Nebraska’s agriculture. The goal of this project is to revive, highlight, and modify family farms and renew interest in agriculture throughout urban centers and the state. The project will consist of a series of informative features along I-80 between Lincoln and Omaha. There are three main components to the project: 1)informative signage, 2)agricultural highlights, and 3)a central learning space, the AgCenter. Some of the locations will simply be visual updates for drivers or news briefs meant to be read at 75 mph. Other sections will begin to highlight the variety of natural and man-altered features of the land. The focal point will be a learning center with a wide variety of uses and features. One of the main goals of this project is to alert the nonfarmer of what happens outside of the city. It is one thing to drive by a farm, but to begin to see the debates, lifestyle, and other features of farming are important for the nonfarmer to understand. Also, allowing children of all backgrounds to get a better understanding of what happens throughout the state on the agricultural side. Promoting the state’s resources and heritage will provide people with a better sense of place, history, and hopefully a stronger appreciation for the state. Mentor: Professor Thomas Laging, FAIA

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