Architecture Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-9-2009

Document Type



This project looks to combat the decline of rural communities by employing innovative planning and design processes in order to create a sustainable plan that incorporates quality of life, community pride, walkability/active living, and innovative and energyefficient design; specifically in the rural community of Cambridge, Nebraska.

A site analysis and needs assessment explore and define the requirements of the study and aide in the creation of focused goals and objectives. Planned Unit Developments and Form-Based Codes are implemented in order to influence a creative and innovative plan for the subdivision.

Earth-sheltering highly influences the structure of buildings within the site. This is implemented in order to preserve the natural character and landscape of the surrounding recreation, parks and open space; and in order to incorporate enery-efficient and sustainable design standards. Architectural consideration has been given to each building type contained within the site, where each has been designed in detail.

The project vision is presented to Andela Taylor, Economic Development Director in

Included in

Architecture Commons
