Extension, Cooperative



Leland H. Stott

Date of this Version


Document Type



Stott, Leland H. (1939) Personality development in farm, small-town, and city children (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 114)


ISSN 0097-1445


One purpose of the present research project was to contribute further toward an adequate knowledge of the relative merits of urban and rural environments. In this bulletin the three general home settings already mentioned, namely the farm in the open country, the small town (600 to 1,300 in population), and the city, are compared as to their "favorableness" in regard to the personality development of the children who grow up in them. The data for the comparisons are the average scores made by representative samples of young people from each environment on a set of tests and scales designed to measure certain aspects of character and personality. Certain home environmental factors and influences concerning which data were obtained, as well as other factors external to the home, are discussed in relation to some of the group differences in test performance which appeared.
