Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



Cromwell, Richard O. (1919) Fusarium blight of the soy bean and the relation of various factors to infection (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 14)


ISSN 0097-1345


An investigation was outlined (1) to determine the parasitism of Fusarium on soy bean, (2) to establish its relationship to Fusaria of the section Elegans in so far as a comparison of the cultural characters permitted, and (3) by means of cross- inoculations and field studies to determine the relationship of this disease of soy beans to the wilt disease of cowpeas (Vigna sinensis Hassk.) caused by Fusarium tracheiphilum Smith. The results of these investigations up to the close of the summer of 1916 have been reported. The studies were continued at the North Carolina Experiment Station until the fall of 1917 and then at the University of Nebraska. A revised report of them is given in this paper. Additional studies of the soy bean blight, the results of which are also reported here, were planned to determine the effect of various factors on the amount and severity of the disease.
