

Date of this Version


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Kiesselbach, T.A. (1918) Studies concerning the elimination of experimental error in comparative crop tests (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 13)


ISSN 0097-1344


It is apparent that many sources of error have unconsciously entered into comparative crop yield tests. The very important matter of overcoming variation in soil conditions as a source of experimental error has been quite extensively studied and reported by various investigators during the past decade. The means suggested for reducing such error have been (1) repetition of plats and (2) correction of yields according to check plats planted to a uniform variety or treatment at stated intervals. Both methods have proved of value and a combination of both may often be used advantageously. Some danger always exists of error occurring in the check plats and that correcting according to them may introduce new errors in the yields of crops compared. The method should, for this reason, be used with caution. The object of the following investigations was to secure further information regarding the elimination of error in comparative yield tests.
