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Syllabus for BIOS 112 Laboratory, Introduction to Zoology, Fall 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Also called: Biodiversity Lab

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Syllabus for BIOS 112L Introduction to Zoology Lab, Fall 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Lab Instructor, S. (Sarah) Elizabeth Rácz. Teaching Assistants, Altangerel (Auggie) Tsogtsaikhan and Rachel Valenziano.


1. Give you hands on experience with some of the diverse animal taxa of the planet.

2. Gain a working knowledge of taxonomy, anatomy, and biological vocabulary.

3. Students should gain an understanding of how animals compare and contrast, and how they are adapted to their particular way of life.

4. Get you to think about the natural world.

Material needed for lab

Notebook - Bound, hardback, & unlined pages for sketches and notes.

Photographic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory, 7th edition, by J. Crawley.

Exercises for Zoology Lab, 3rd edition by D. G. Smith.

Skills to develop in lab

1. You should become familiar with proper microscopy techniques, dissection techniques, and handling of specimens.

2. You should be able to identify and classify animals into their proper taxonomic groups.

3. You should be able to identify and give the purpose of the major external and internal structures of these animals.

[Redacted: Illustration by Peter Schouten].
