Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Personal Income in Nebraska (E. S. Wallace)
In his new bulletin on "Personal Income in Nebraska and Nebraska Counties: 1950-1962," announced elsewhere in this issue, Professor Wallace Peterson says: "Income has come to be regarded as the best and most comprehensive single measure of the general level of economic activity and well-being for a nation, for a state, and for regions." This article will attempt a brief analysis of the relative "well-being" of the state of Nebraska in terms of this concept, covering a somewhat longer period of time that that included in Professor Peterson's study and making use of some new data not available at the time he wrote.
Business Summary (J. Timothy Wilson)
In September, the dollar volume of business for Nebraska increased 6.6% from September, 1964, and 5.2% from the previous month. the same index for the U.S. shows an 8.9% and a 1.5% increase for the same periods. Physical volume increased from September, 1964, for Nebraska (3.3%) and for the U.S. (6.0%). In the individual series, Bank Debits, Life Insurance Sales, and Gasoline Sales show substantial increases over September, 1964. Construction Activity shows a significant decrease from September, 1964. The other series show rather steady index figures.
Personal Income Bulletin Published
Professor Wallace C. Peterson, Professor of Economics and new chairman of the Department of Economics at the University, is the author of Bulletin No. 71 entitled "Personal Income in Nebraska and Nebraska Counties: 1950-1962." Articles based on the data in this bulletin were published in the June, October, and November, 1964, and February, 1965, issues of Business in Nebraska.
Published in Business in Nebraska (December 1965) No. 255, 6 pages.