Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Pattern of Growth in Nebraska (E. S. Wallace)
Within the past year we have published Nebraska data on personal income (March), population (April), retail trade (May), the service business (June), wholesale trade (July), and employment (September). In each of these except the last, city and/or county figures have been presented to depict the changes that have been taking place in different parts of the state. The present article is an attempt to combine these six indicators of economic activity into a composite picture showing the pattern of growth within Nebraska.
Business Summary (J. Timothy Wilson)
In October, the dollar volume of business for Nebraska increased 7.2% from October, 1964, and decreased 3.1% from the previous month. The same index for the U.S. shows a 9.5% increase and a 1.2% decrease for the same periods. Physical volume increased from September, 1964, for Nebraska (2.0%) and for the U.S. (6.6%). In the individual series, Life Insurance Sales, Cash Farm Marketing's, and Newspaper Advertising show substantial increases over October, 1964. Gasoline Sales show a significant decrease from October, 1964. The other series show rather steady index figures.
Community Economic Development (Dr. John H. Nixon)
The economic Development with which we are concerned is the economic relation of the community to the region, the nation, and the world. The community relates to the outside world by the export of products or services, or both, and the importation of products and services paid for by these exports.
Review (Dorothy Switzer)
Nebraskans who are interested in industrial development and export trade expansion will find practical, explicit information in this publication, which is designed to help small businessman who want to project trade beyond national boundaries. It contains the proceedings of a seminar on foreign trade which was held one evening a week for six weeks at the University of Arizona. The seminar dealt in specifics, not generalities; it featured the exhibit of typical forms and documents used in export business; and it was planned to answer the questions of the small businessman, rather than to cover the problems of the large industrialist.
An Index of Consumer Prices for the State (E. S. Wallace)
The regular Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau Labor Statistics of the Department of Commerce makes possible time-to-time comparisons of consumer prices for the country as a whole and for certain cities, but none of these cities is located in Nebraska. The BLS figures are based on a representative line of goods and services for which prices are collected at regular intervals in various cities throughout the country. They are published monthly in newspapers and magazines.
Published in Business in Nebraska (January 1966) No. 256, 6 pages.