Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Homegrown Industries in Nebraska (Dorothy Switzer and E. S. Wallace)
In July, 1965, we reprinted from the Texas Business Review an article dealing with "Homegrown Industries" in that state. At that time we expressed the hope that we might find the ingenuity of Nebraskans was at least equal to that of Texans and asked for information on similar industries in Nebraska.
Business Summary (J. Timothy Wilson)
In November, the dollar volume of business for Nebraska increased 9.0% from November, 1964, and decreased 0.4% from the previous month. The same index for the U.S. shows an 11.7% increase from November, 1964, and a 1.5% increase form October, 1965. Physical volume rose from November, 1964, for Nebraska (2.8%) and for the U.S. (7.4%). In the individual series, all of the index figures were rather steady except for Bank Debits, Construction Activity, and Gasoline Sales. All of these series showed substantial increases over November, 1964.
Published in Business in Nebraska (February 1966) No. 257, 6 pages.