Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Recent Income Growth in Nebraska (E. S. Wallace)
The latest official (preliminary) figures on Nebraska income published by the Department of Commerce show that total personal income in Nebraska increased by 9.4% in 1965 as compared with a national increased of 7.2% and that per capita personal income rose 9% in the state, but only 5.8% in the nation. Estimates published by Business Week indicate that his favorable relationship is continuing in 1966. They show, in fact, that only two states in the continental United States- Iowa and Vermont- exceeded in Nebraska's 11.3% increase in personal income during the first four months of 1966. The national increase was 8%.
Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)
April's dollar volume of business in Nebraska increased 14.7% over April 1965 and decreased 2.6% from March 1966. The U.S. dollar volume increased 10.3% over April 1965 and decreased 1.0% from March 1966. The physical volume index followed the same pattern with a year-ago increase of 6.5% and month-ago decrease of 1.9% for Nebraska while the U.S. physical volume had a year-ago increase of 6.1% and month-ago decrease 0.6%. Nebraska's Cash Farm Marketing's was the only individual series for both Nebraska and the U.S. that decreased from April 1965. Construction and Electricity Produced increased from March 1966.
How to Use Pages 2 and 3 (Edward L. Hauswald)
Pages 2 and 3 of each issue of Business in Nebraska contain a mass of figures and charts. In an effort to make this information more meaningful and useful to our readers, this article attempts to describe the methods used in compiling the data and some of the uses thereof that may be made.
Review (Dorothy Switzer)
Because Nebraskans are concerned about the loss of population form many areas of the state and about the slow rate of increase in total state population, and because no statistical studies made by the Bureau of Business Research evoke more interest than the annual population estimates, there should be general interest in the trends revealed in a newly published report of the U.S. Census Bureau entitled Americans at Mid-Decade. It is now five and a half years since the last decennial census, and the Bureau of the Census, by means of estimates and sample surveys, has collected information on some broad aspects of population change and growth in the postcensal years. Significant facts have been revealed about not only the way the growing population is changing its places and patterns of living, but also about the way levels of education and income are rising, and working habits and occupational pursuits are changing.
Published in Business in Nebraska (July 1966) No. 262, 6 pages.