Bureau of Business Research


Date of this Version



Published in Business in Nebraska (September 1966) No. 264, 6 pages.


Nebraska State and Local Tax Collections: 1965 (E. B. Schmidt)

Information concerning the amounts of tax revenue derived from the various taxes in Nebraska is in scant supply. No single agency is charged by law with responsibility for collecting and reporting such data, and without such central direction it is impossible to coordinate a system of comprehensive reporting. While the Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce collects and publishes such information every five years, the latest report covering the period ended June 30, 1962:, is considerably out-of-date. This study is intended to supply reasonably comprehensive and accurate data for the year ended June 30. 1965.

Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)

June's dollar volume of business in Nebraska increased 15 .6% from June, 1965 and increased 4.8% from May, 1966. Physical volume of business increased from a year ago for both the U.S . (+5.4%) and Nebraska (+9.2%). All of the individual series for Nebraska increased from June, 1965 with construction activity showing the greatest increase (+34.0%). In the individual series for the U.S. construction activity was the only series decreasing from June, 1965. Figures for the first six months of 1966 indicate that Nebraska's construction activity is well a head of last year while for the U.S. they indicate a level somewhat under that maintained in 1965.

A Nebraska Interindustry Study (T. W. Roesler)

The Bureau of Business Research has under way a study whose objective is to determine the relationships among Nebraska industries with respect to sales and purchases. This study is part of a larger project which is being undertaken for the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation with the objective of measuring the direct and indirect impact of irrigated agriculture on the economy of the state.

Former Director's Book is Published (Dorothy Switzer)

Former associates and students of Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, Director of the Bureau of Business Research from 1946 to his retirement from the University early in 1963, who have been awaiting with some impatience publication of his book The Meaning and Measurement of the National Income and of Other Social Accounting Aggregates, will be interested to know that it will be available in October from the University of Nebraska Press.
