Bureau of Business Research


Date of this Version



Published in Business in Nebraska (October 1966) No. 265, 6 pages.


Nebraska State and Local Taxes in Perspective (E. B. Schmidt)

Last month we showed how overwhelmingly important the property tax is in the financing of state and local governments in Nebraska. If we are to see Nebraska's state and local finances in perspective, we may compare our state with all states with respect to the percentage of state and local tax revenue obtained from the various tax sources. Of even greater value would be a comparison with our neighbor states. Such is the purpose of this investigation.

Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)

July's dollar volume of business increased in both Nebraska (+12.9%) and the United States (+8.2%) over July 1965. The dollar volume decreased from June 1966 in both the United States (-0.2%) and Nebraska (-5.4%). The physical volume of business also increased in both Nebraska (+10.7%) and the United States (+6.0%) over July 1965. Physical volume increased only slightly over June 1966 in the United States (+0.3%) and decreased slightly in Nebraska (-0.2%). Only two indicators in Nebraska declined from July 1965. These were life insurance sales (-1.3%) and gasoline sales (-0.3%). Construction activity and cash farm marketing's both increased significantly greater than the United States as a whole.

Employment in Nebraska: 1965 (E. S. Wallace)

It has been customary to present in these pages annually the employment figures compiled by the State Department of Labor. They are tabulated on page 6 in this issue, and percentage comparisons are made with 1960 and 1964. Some of the preliminary figures for 1964, published last year (September, 1965), have now been revised.
