Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Nebraska's Agricultural Exports (Dorothy Switzer)
Importance of Nebraska as the 9th ranking state in the nation and 4th in the top-ranking region, the West North Central, in value of agricultural commodity shipments in fiscal 1965-66 has been revealed in a new study by the Economic Research Service of the I.S. Department of Agriculture. Because Nebraska is one of the ten leading states in farm exports in this country, which is in turn the world's largest exporter of such commodities, explicit world market information pertaining to the state has long been sought. The significance of such information is considerable both to Nebraska farmers and to that part of the business community dependent, to whatever extent, upon the agricultural sector of the economy.
Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)
December's dollar volume of business in Nebraska increased 2.2% over last year compared with a 4.0% increase for the U.S. Nebraska's physical volume changes from last month +4.9% and +1.1% respectively. construction activity in Nebraska remained down from the previous year (-16.1%). The only other indicator showing a decline from a year ago for Nebraska was electricity produced (-1.6%).
Published in Business in Nebraska (1967) No. 270: 6 pages.