Bureau of Business Research


Date of this Version



University of Nebraska News (September 1968) 48(5): 6 pages.


The Cost of County Government in Nebraska (Dorothy Switzer and E. S. Wallace)

Data for the following article were prepared before 1967 population eatimates and tax reports were available. Use of the later figures, however, would not alter appreciably the detail of the supporting tables and would not change in any way the conclusions reached. The article provides background information on a proposed constitutional amendment on which Nebraskans will vote in November concerning which there has as yet been virtually no publicity and of which most voters are probably not yet even aware.

Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)

Nebraska's June, 1965, dollar volume of business was up 10% from June, 1967, accompanied by a 7.1% increase in the physical volume of business. Following this same pattern, the U.S. dollar volume rose 7.1% from June, 1967, and the physical volume rose 3.9% in the same period. The May, 1968, to June, 1965, changes for both the U.S. and Nebraska show slightly larger increase for the physical volume than for the dollar volume. Of the ten business indicators, Nebraska registered an increase in each one and in only one case, employment other than manufacturing, did Nebraska fail to show an increase greater than the U.S. averages.
