Bureau of Business Research


Date of this Version



January 18, 2013 Bureau of Business Research Department of Economics College of Business Administration University of Nebraska—Lincoln Dr. Eric Thompson, Director www.bbr.unl.edu


Copyright 2013 Eric Thompson and William Walstad


State, Federal, and private entities produce a myriad of data about the national and state economy. Much of this data, however, is released with a substantial lag of several months up to several years. Much of the data also only reports on segments of the economy, rather than providing an overall measure of economic progress. Yet, there is a clear need for comprehensive and current measures of the economy, and current updates about the economic outlook. This information is provided at the national level by the Conference Board, which produces a leading and coincident indicator for the national economy. The current indicator represents a snapshot of the current state of the economy and the leading indicator provides a short-term forecast for the national economy.
