Papers in the Biological Sciences


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Birds of the Rocky Mountains copyright © 1986, 2009 Paul A. Johnsgard


Plate 1. Spruce grouse, displaying male. Photo by author.
Plate 2. American white pelicans and Caspian terns, breeding colony on Yellowstone Lake. Photo by author.
Plate 3. Double-crested cormorant and California gulls, breeding colony on Yellowstone Lake. Photo by author.
Plate 4. Trumpeter swan, adult and cygnets. Photo by author.
Plate 5. Harlequin duck, male. Photo by author.
Plate 6. Barrow’s goldeneye, female and brood. Photo by author.
Plate 7. Common merganser, female and brood. Photo by author.
Plate 8. Osprey, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 9. Red-tailed hawk, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 10. Golden eagle, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 11. Prairie falcon, female perched above nest site. Photo by author.
Plate 12. Blue grouse, adult male. Photo by author.
Plate 13. White-tailed ptarmigan, pair in spring plumage. Photo by author.
Plate 14. Ruffed grouse, displaying male. Photo by author.
Plate 15. Greater sandhill crane, pair with chick. Photo by author.
Plate 16. Great horned owl, adult. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 17. Spotted sandpiper, adult in spring. Photo by author.
Plate 18. Northern saw-whet owl, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 19. Great gray owl, adult. Photo by Olaus Murie.
Plate 20. Calliope hummingbird, adult male. Photo by Kenneth Fink.
Plate 21. Rufous hummingbird, adult male. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 22. Black-backed woodpecker, adult male. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 23. Yellow-bellied sapsucker, adult male. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 24. Steller’s jay, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 25. Clark’s nutcracker, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 26. Gray jay, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 27. Mountain chickadee, adult at nest. Photo by author.
Plate 28. Chestnut-backed chickadee. Photo by author.
Plate 29. American dipper, juvenile. Photo by author.
Plate 30. American robin, adult at nest. Photo by Scott Johnsgard.
Plate 31. Mountain bluebird, adult male. Photo by author.
Plate 32. Swainson’s thrush, adult at nest. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 33. Water pipit, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 34. Yellow-rumped (Audubon’s) warbler, adult male at nest. Photo by Kenneth Fink.
Plate 35. Western tanager, adult male. Photo by author.
Plate 36. Lazuli bunting, adult male. Photo by author.
Plate 37. Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco, adult. Photo by Kenneth Fink.
Plate 38. White-crowned sparrow, adult. Photo by author.
Plate 39. Yellow-headed blackbird, adult male. Photo by author.
Plate 40. Red crossbill, immature male. Photo by author.
Plate 41. Cassin’s finch. adult male. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.
Plate 42. Gray-crowned rosy finch, winter male. Photo by Alan G. Nelson.

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