Papers in the Biological Sciences


Date of this Version

April 1987

Document Type



From Diving Birds of North America (1987) by Paul A. Johnsgard. Copyright © 2007 Paul Johnsgard. Cite this work as: Paul Johnsgard, Diving Birds of North America (Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1987; University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries, 2008 [ebook edition]).


1. Arctic loon, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
2. Red-throated loon, nesting adult. Photo by Kenneth W. Fink.
3. Yellow-billed loon, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Kenneth W. Fink.
4. Common loon, nesting adult. Photo by Kenneth W. Fink.
5. Pied-billed grebe, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
6. Least grebe, adult and young. Painting by Mark E. Marcuson.
7. Red-necked grebe, nesting adult. Photo by author.
8. Eared grebe, adults with young. Photo by Kenneth W. Fink.
9. Horned grebe, nesting adult. Photo by Kenneth W. Fink.
10. Western grebe, adult with young. Photo by Gary Nuechterlein.
11. Downy young of grebes, including light (top left) and dark phases (top right) of western, black-necked (upper left), horned (middle left), least (lower left), red-necked (middle right), and pied-billed (lower right). Painting by Jon Fjeldså.
12. Dovekie, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
13. Razorbill, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
14. Common murre, adult in winter plumage. Photo by author.
15. Thick-billed murre, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
16. Black guillemot, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
17. Pigeon guillemot, breeding colony. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
18. Pigeon guillemots, immature plumage (left), rhinoceros auklet (middle), and common murre, breeding plumage (right). Photo by author.
19. Marbled murrelet, incubating adult. Photo by Stuart Johnson.
20. Kittlitz murrelet, incubating adult. Photo by David G. Roseneau.
21. Cassin auklet, immature plumage. Photo by author.
22. Parakeet auklet, adults in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
23. Crested auklet, adults in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
24. Crested and least auklets, adults in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
25. Least auklet, juvenal plumage. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
26. Whiskered auklet, juvenal plumage. Photo by C. Fred Zeillemaker.
27. Whiskered, least, and crested auklets, breeding adults. Painting by Mark C. Marcuson.
28. Rhinoceros auklet, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
29. Tufted puffin, adults in breeding plumage. Photo by author.
30. Atlantic puffin, breeding colony. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
31. Atlantic puffin, adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Frank S. Todd.
32. Horned puffin adults in breeding plumage. Photo by author.

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