Papers in the Biological Sciences


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Published in Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vol. 40, No. 4 (October 1921), pp. 168–176.


The genus Arrhenurus, the largest group of the water mites, continues to yield new material from collections in lake regions. The new species described in this paper came from regions as far apart as Canada and China; while additional notes on already described species are based on material secured in several states of northeastern United States, some of them from new localities. Through the kindness of Professor N. Gist Gee, of Soochow University, material was secured for the description of new species from China. Professor Frank Smith and Dr. H. R. Vancleave, of the University of Illinois, were good enough to contribute some material from Michigan, New York and Massachusetts. Through the interest of Dr. R. A. Muttkowski an opportunity was given for the examination of some collections of the Biological Station of the United States Bureau of Fisheries at Fairport, Iowa; and more recently the author was privileged to see some collections of Dr. F. A. Stromsten, of the University of Iowa. The author's own collections from the Muskoka Lake region of Ontario, together with other material from various sources, form the basis of a preliminary account of the genus Arrhenurus as it has been found in Canada. This topic will be discussed first.

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