Papers in the Biological Sciences


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


From Grouse and Quails of North America, by Paul A. Johnsgard (Lincoln, NE, 1973 & 2008). Electronic edition copyright © 2008 Paul A. Johnsgard.


Alectoris chukar (Gray) 1830
Alectoris graeca (Meisner)
Other vernacular names: Chukor, Indian hill partridge, rock partridge (refers to graeca only).
Range: Native to Eurasia, from France through Greece and Bulgaria (typical graeca) southeastward through Asia Minor and southern Asia (typical chukar). These two populations should probably be regarded as separate species (Watson, 1962a, b), and all of the introduced United States stock is apparently referable to A. chukar. The racial origin of the birds introduced into North America is varied and includes not only Indian stock (probably A. c. chukar, as recognized by Sushkin, 1927) but also some Turkish stock (cypriotes or kurdistani). These Turkish birds probably merged with Indian stock or have disappeared, except in New Mexico and California. The present range of the North American population is from southern interior British Columbia southward through eastern parts of Washington, Oregon, and California to the northern part of Baja California, and east in the Great Basin uplands through Nevada, Idaho, Utah, western Colorado, and Montana, with small populations of uncertain status in Arizona, New Mexico, western South Dakota, and southern Alberta.

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