Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


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Date of this Version



Published in Transactions of the ASAE VOL. 38(4):1163-1166. Copyright © 1995 American Society of Agriculnlral Engineers. Used by permission.


The analysis presented can be used to determine the design equations for augers that produce uniform vertical flow of granular material through containers with cylindrical cross-sections. The augers so designed have a constant outside diameter and a variable root or shaft diameter. Installed in cylindrical grain bins they could be used to convert a batch-in-bin dryer to a continuous flow dryer. The analysis is an extension of the work of Jones and Kocher (1995) who designed and tested such an auger for containers of rectangular cross-section, and determined flow to be uniform for practical purposes. The analysis follows the same concept used by Shivvers (1973) to develop augers with variable outside diameter to provide uniform vertical flow of granular material through containers with cylindrical cross-section.
