Biological Systems Engineering, Department of


Department of Biological Systems Engineering: Masters Project Reports

First Advisor

Derek Heeren

Committee Members

Aaron Mittelstet, Randall Ritzema, Saleh Taghvaeian

Date of this Version


Document Type



A project report for MSYM 897 presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Major: Mechanized Systems Management

Specialization: Irrigation and Agricultural Water Management

Department: Biological Systems Engineering, UNL

Under the supervision of Professor Derek Heeren

Lincoln, Nebraska, August 2024


Copyright 2024, Suhib O. Hamid. Used by permission


In Chapter 1, soil properties essential for efficient irrigation are thoroughly assessed. Factors such as soil texture, infiltration rates, and nutrient content are analyzed to provide insights into the selection of modern irrigation systems. Utilizing data collected from 3,192 locations through GPS and laboratory analyses, alongside sophisticated ranking systems, the research determines the most suitable irrigation methods for specific soil series. Findings highlight the remarkable efficiency of drip irrigation across various soil types, contrasting with the consistently lower performance of surface irrigation. The chapter emphasizes the significance of considering soil variability, evapotranspiration, and investment factors in selecting irrigation methods for sustainable water management. In Chapter 2, we extended the focus to assess land suitability for various irrigation methods across different soil series in Sudan. Employing the parametric evaluation system, the study examines crucial factors such as soil texture, depth, calcium carbonate content, drainage properties, and slope. Results reveal significant variability in the suitability of irrigation methods across soil series, with certain soil types demonstrating moderate suitability for sprinkler and drip irrigation. The chapter underscores the importance of considering soil-specific challenges and irrigation method compatibility for sustainable water use in Sudan's semi-arid regions.

Advisor: Derek Heeren
