Bird Strike Committee Proceedings


Date of this Version

August 2003

Document Type



Wildlife observations collected over time at a US Air Force Base (AFB) have been visually displayed through Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. By continuing to expand upon the capabilities of GIS, USDA Wildlife Services has been able to manage the Seymour Johnson AFB airfield and surrounding areas in a practical manner. A Wildlife Hazard Assessment of the AFB used GIS to clearly display the location of birds and mammals observed on the airfield. Baseline themes of natural features (i.e. rivers, woodlands, etc.) were related to wildlife observations to determine areas requiring management. Additionally, GIS has been a useful tool to educate both military personnel and the public. Routine briefings of Aircrews, Supervisors of Flying, and Crew Chiefs have been beneficial in the military environment. Discussions concerning off-base attractants between the AFB and the city of Goldsboro have been enhanced through the use of GIS. This technology allows Seymour Johnson AFB to incorporate the long-term monitoring of bird strikes, species behavior, and natural resources into a visual display that allows audiences to better understand management as it pertains to wildlife hazards on airfields.
