Bird Strike Committee Proceedings


Date of this Version

August 2006

Document Type



Despite almost 40 years of research effort and operational experience, there remains very limited consensus concerning the best methods for managing the bird strike hazard at aerodromes. This is, in part, because the levels of risk, habitat type and bird species present at different aerodromes varies and the precise techniques that are successful at one site may not work at another. It is also partly due to differences in the levels of resources available at different airports and to differences in the attitude of airport managers and national regulators to the hazard posed by bird strikes. Following the implementation of the new ICAO standards on airport bird control, IBSC agreed at the 26th meeting in Warsaw that a set of recommended minimum best practices should be developed to try and address these problems. The IBSC best practice guidance is now complete and endorsed by the membership. This paper describes the main features of what IBSC regards as the minimum level of bird control effort needed to effectively manage the bird strike risk at an airport.
