The Computer and the Decision-Making Process | Buros-Nebraska Series on Measurement and Testing | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Computer and the Decision-Making Process, edited by Terry B. Gutkin and Steven L. Wise (Hillsdale, New Jersey, United States: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991).
Copyright © 1991 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Digital Edition Copyright © 2012 Buros Center for Testing. This book may be downloaded, saved, and printed by an individual for their own use. No part of this book may be re-published, re-posted, or redistributed without written permission of the holder of copyright.

This volume in the Buros-Nebraska Series on Testing and Measurement provides state-of-the-art contributions concerning the interface between computer technology and traditional psychometrics. The volume title, Computers and the Decision-Making Process, describes both reality and potential in a field that provides a dizzying array of promises and problems to be pursued and be solved. This volume, like the previous ones in our series, reflects papers given at the annual Buros-Nebraska Symposium on Testing and Measurement and those especially commissioned for the book. Each of the contributors has a special expertise to examine the complex issues raised by the addition of the computer to the field of measurement. The book has chapters concerning guidelines for computer testing, validity issues, personality testing and behavioral assessment, intelligent systems, applications in industrial/organizational psychology, and legal issues. The volume editors have endeavored to provide a review of the many content areas affected by computer technology, new applications of the computer to solve old measurement problems, and new problems created by the use of the computer. The contributors represent measurement experts from across the country who have particular strengths in their chosen areas. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements is very grateful to each of these professionals for contributing their special wisdom in the creation of this book.




Title and Contents- THE COMPUTER AND THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS, Jane Close Conoley, Terry B. Gutkin, and Steven L. Wise


Preface, Jane Close Conoley


1. Computer-Assisted Personal ity Test Interpretation: The Dawn of Discovery, Douglas N. Jackson


2. Psychodiagnostic Computing: From Interpretive Programs to Expert Systems, Marley W. Watkins and Paul A. McDermott


3. Assessment of Val id ity In Computer-Based Test Interpretations, Kevin L. Moreland


4. The Validity of ComputerBased Test Interpretations of the MMPI, Lorraine D. Eyde, Dennis M. Kowal, and Francis J. Fishburne Jr.


5. Use of Computer Technology in Behavioral Assessments, Thomas R. Kratochwill, Elizabeth J. Doll, and W. Patrick Dickson


6. The Use of the Computer In the Practice of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt and Jorge L. Mendoza


7. Implementation Decisions in Designing Computer-Based Instructional Testing Programs, John V. Noonan and Paul D. Sarvela


8. Issues in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction: Eval uation and Measurement, Harold F. O'Neil Jr. and Eva L. Baker


9. Legal Issues in Computerized Psychological Testing, Donald N. Bersoff and Paul J. Hofer


10. Guidelines for Computer Testing, Bert F. Green


Author Index


Subject Index


The Computer and the Decision Making-Process, Jane Close Conoley, Terry B. Gutkin, and Steven Wise