The Future of Testing | Buros-Nebraska Series on Measurement and Testing | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Edited by Barbara S. Plake & Joseph C. Witt (Erlbaum: Hillsdale, New Jersey, United States, 1986).

Copyright © 1986, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Digital edition copyright © 2012, Buros Center for Testing.

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The overriding purpose of this volume of the Buros-Nebraska Series on Measurement and Testing is to provide a vision of what may be probable directions for the field of measurement and testing. Through the collection of chapters which address a variety of dimensions of the future of testing, it is possible to identify areas of present concern and to identify potentially important areas for dedication of energies in the future.




The Future of Testing: Title Pages, Contents, Preface, Acknowledgments, Dedication, James V. Mitchell Jr., Barbara S. Plake, and Joseph C. Witt


1. Prediction of the Future from the Present: An Introduction, Barbara S. Plake and Joseph C. Witt


2. Testing Old, Testing New: Schoolboy Psychology and the Allocation of Intellectual Resources, Gene V. Glass


3. Computer Technology In Testing, Gale H. Roid


4. Future Directions for Educational Achievement and Ability Testing, Nancy S. Cole


5. Minimum Competency Testing: Status and Potential, Ronald A. Berk


6. The Future of Testing for Licensure and Certification Exam i nations, Michael T. Kane


7. The Future of Clinical Assessment, Jay Ziskin


8. Perspectives on the Future of Neuropsychological Assessment, Raymond S. Dean


9. New Directions for Interest Testing, John L. Holland


10. Needed Directions for Measurement in Work Settings, Mary L. Tenopyr


The Future of Testing: Author Index


The Future of Testing: Subject Index


The Future of Testing: Complete Work, James V. Mitchell Jr., Barbara S. Plake, and Joseph C. Witt