Buros-Nebraska Series on Measurement and Testing



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Published in The Future of Testing, edited by Barbara S. Plake & Joseph C. Witt (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986).


Copyright © 1986 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Digital edition copyright © 2012 Buros Center for Testing. This book may be downloaded, saved, and printed by an individual for their own use. No part of this book may be re-published, re-posted, or redistributed without written permission of the holder of copyright.


The Future of Testing: Author Index (12 pages)


Aagard , J. A., 3 1, 32,62

Abrams , R., 229, 230, 232, 236, 243

Adair, F. L., 193,200

Adams, K. M., 223, 236

Adler, P. T. , 197, 200

Airasian, P. W., 33, 5 1,62,94,97, 11 6, 132, 139

Alexander, P. , 55, 67

Alexander, R. A., 32, 62

Alexander, R. S., 50, 65

Algina, 1. , 97 , 11 2, 122 , 124, 137, 142, 143

Allen, D. W., 30, 33,64

Alpert , D., 52, 62

Altemeyer, R. A., 46, 62

Amos, K. M. , 130, 133

Anastas i, A., 10 , 18, 25,78 , 79,80,87, 189, 199 ,200, 272,287

Anastasio , E. 1., 3 1, 64

Anderson, B., 75, 87

Anderson, D., 2 13, 2 14, 229, 230 , 243

Anderson, R. c., 104, 133

Andreasen, N. c., 23 1, 236

Andresky, S., 13, 25

Andrew, B. 1. , III , 133, 150, 155, 179

Angoff, W. H. , 109, III , 11 8, 125, 128 , 138, 150, 179

Anthony , W. Z., 209, 220, 236

Archambault , F. X., 111 , 133



Yagel, 1. c. , 54, 64

Yallow, E. S., 11 7, 143

Yen, W. M., 34, 69

Yeudall , L. T. , 232, 238

York, R. L., 17, 25

Young, L. D. , 23 1, 244

Ysseldyke, J. E., 11 9, 143

Zachary , R. A., 29 , 42,57,59,69

Zatz, L. M. , 232 , 239

Zelazowski, R., 232, 239

Zener, T. B. , 254, 267

Zieky , M. 1. , 107, 109, 11 2, 11 3, 114, 128, 138

Zigmond, N., 11 6, 138

Zisk in , 1. , 186 , 188 , 189 , 190 , 191, 201

Zuger, R. , 234, 244

Zytowski , D. G. , 246, 248, 252 , 254, 255 , 267
