Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Date of this Version

Spring 2-18-2010

Document Type



A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Major: Telecommunications Engineering Under the Supervision of Professor Lim Nguyen Lincoln, Nebraska November 2009 Copyright 2010 Casey Deyle


Performance of Self-Encoded Spread Spectrum Under Worst-Case Jamming Casey Deyle, M.S University of Nebraska 2009 Advisor: Lim Nguyen Spread Spectrum Communications uses m-sequences (sometimes referred to as Pseudo Noise or PN sequences) modulated with a data signal to create a transmission signal that takes up more bandwidth than the original information signal. Self-Encoded Spread Spectrum (SESS) uses spreading codes generated by the transmitted signal, eliminating the need to synchronize m-sequences between the transmitter and receiver, thus making the channel more secure. This paper will discuss the performance of SESS system in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels, as well as the use of an iterative detection to increase the performance of the system. Introduced in this paper is pulsed noise jammer (PNJ) to a SESS system, which is the worst-case jamming scenario for a SESS system, and possible ways to overcome these jamming conditions. The performance of the SESS system in this paper is analyzed using simulations that measure the probability of error (sometimes called Bit Error Rate or BER) vs signal-to-noise ratio (also called SNR or Eb/No).
